Special Interest Groups

It should be noted that most groups levy a modest charge per meeting or additional annual subscription to cover the cost of hall hire and refreshments.

Creative Vision Group

Leader: Jim Bennett, assisted by Torrie Smith

Covering all aspects of Creative Photography, the group meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month – 7:30pm to 9:30pm.  We aim to encourage members to think about the more subjective elements of a photographic image – rather than the technical – from the initial idea, through planning, capture, processing and presentation so as to enable expression of a mood, an idea or a theme.  We aim to look at members’ own ideas as well as the work of other photographers to promote and encourage creativity. This will include looking at the work of artists who work in different media as well as crossovers between photography and other art forms - including music, poetry, painting and others.  The group will aim to produce resources which members can draw on for inspiration such as lists of suggested photographers and artists who’s work may be of interest, interesting websites and Social Media links, exhibition details, etc.

Critique Group

Leaders: Allan Hale and Stan Saunders

The Critique Group has the aim of helping Members old and new improve their images. This will be done by the members of the group showing and analysing images as regards composition, technical details and aesthetic appeal. Projects will be set to encourage the taking and presenting of images. Some more practical sessions will cover the general requirements for preparing digital images for viewing, cropping etc. £2 per evening to cover hall hire, refreshments etc.

Digital Techniques

Leader: Ian Wilson

The Digital Techniques Group aims to complement the various digital workshops, run throughout the year, by providing an informal and friendly environment for members to improve all aspects of their digital processing skills.  The sessions will concentrate primarily on Adobe Photoshop and LightRoom, but other packages and plug-ins will be tackled as necessary.  Sessions are primarily practical in nature, and members are encouraged to suggest topics to be covered or bring images on which they would like help and advice.

Documentary & Contemporary Group

Leader: Gyles Glover

This group works on shared photographic work on mainly Cambridge-related topics. Our work is drawn together on a separate website. The group aims to produce collections of images by members, and to develop these into finished bodies of work in the form of exhibitions, physical or internet-based publications and archive depositions. A central, but not exclusive, theme of the group is documenting what Cambridge and Cambridgeshire look like, and putting this in the context of historic work by club members and others.

The group meets roughly monthly, alternating photographic outings with meetings to edit and discuss work and plan where and how it could be produced. As with other groups there may be small charges to cover room rental for editorial and discussion meetings if we use rented premises.

Multimedia Group

Leader: David Steel

The Multimedia Group exists for  the furtherance of knowledge and enjoyment of image capture and presentational techniques that go beyond a conventional 2D image. The SIG is open to any Club member with such an interest and will cover a broad spectrum of techniques ranging from audio-visual (AV) which is the combination of sequences of still images with music and/or a commentary, to 360° still photography and videography, and drone still photography and videography, along with virtual reality (VR), holography, and even 3D printing.

The group exists as a private Facebook group where ideas and knowledge are shared. We may also hold occasional Zoom meetings where one of our members, or an invited speaker, will show what they have achieved and pass on useful tips and advice. We may also hold an occasional face-to-face meet-up where we can work together and try out techniques under the guidance of others.

There is no additional subscription to join this group though there may be a small charge to cover special events where external subject matter experts are invited.

This is a new group for 2024 and we are set to embrace the wealth of technology available to us to capture and present images in different forms.

Nature Group

Leader: Ann Miles

The Nature Group organises outings aimed at those with an interest in natural history photography.  Ad hoc meetings are arranged throughout the year to view images and discuss future trips.

Out & About

All Members are welcome to advertise ouings that they would like to share with other Members or Events that they feel would be of interest to others. This facility is used via the Out and About Forum.

Photo Forum

Leaders: Ian Wilson & Ann Miles

The aim of this group is to facilitate the exchange of opinions and offer advice to those who may wish to extend their photographic skills beyond the club environment.  Although not in any way compulsory, the group encourages members who wish to try for photographic distinctions and to submit work to national and international exhibitions. All members of the group will be encouraged to participate by presentation of their own work and by offering advice and discussion to others. Projects within the group may be individual or group based. Group projects may be arranged in order to experiment with themes and techniques.

Practical Photography

Leaders: Paul Sanwell and Charles Hall

This group aims to help Members with technical skills needed for successful photography. Sessions will be run to cover basic and more advanced use of the camera, flash, macro etc. through fun activities. In the past, we have done Light Painting, Droplet photography, Multi-flash, Panning etc.  Now we are planning more outings  related sessions, such as the exhibition of the Spitting Image Puppets, displayed at the University Library, and the visit to East Anglia by the World famous Flying Scotsman as it ploughed its way across the Fens on an unelectrified line.  If you hear of any such events, please contact either of us.

Studio Group

Leaders: Peter Benson and Jim Bennett

The Group will meet once a month on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, with the odd meeting during the summer break. These meetings in the main will be in person, practical – but potentially also using Zoom if appropriate, all with a clear aim to be open to as many club members as possible. Where the group uses for example models, out of club tutors, speakers that charge for their services, this cost will be divided by the number of potential members attending that meeting.

The Studio Group’s aim is using light, both artificial and natural, to create a wide range of images in many genres from portraiture to tabletop and everything in between. This would be in a studio setting - either indoors or, dependant on the type of lighting available, outside. The aim would be to look at using lighting to enhance an image and to create atmosphere and mood.

The meetings would be mostly practical in nature, with the emphasis on getting hands-on with the equipment. We would want to draw on the skills and knowledge within the membership of the group and the club and, potentially, from outside the club. Experimentation should also play a part in the ethos of the group, so trial-and-error will be encouraged. The overall aim would be for each member to gain a better understanding of using lighting to create a range of images in different genres and styles.

Where appropriate, members of the group would be encouraged to work together in teams - each team having balanced levels of skill and knowledge – so as to spread knowledge and experience throughout the group. 

Events & Competitions

The club also runs a full programme of Events, which include outings and individual workshops on a variety of photographic topics.  Attendance is open to all members, but places may be limited – so book early if interested in attending. For Digital Imaging Workshops, attendees may be asked to bring their own laptops. For some events an attendance fee will be charged. This is usually at an advantageous rate for Club members. All the events are publicised through emailed Bulletins and published in the Diary section of the club website. If you have suggestions for events, then please email bulletin@cambcc.org.uk.