Sports Illustrated - Roger Evans MPAGB FBPE EFIAP/p
Gabrielle Barnard   —   Edited 28-Feb-24 at 10:21


Roger's talk was extremely entertaining.  An excellent raconter, he took us through his very earliest days as a sports photographer - a 'stringer' (part-timer) for the Telegraph, when he modestly admits it was a case of 'all the gear, but no idea'!  But his love of sport and his passion for photography made him determind and a fast learner.  His first days were in boxing, where lack of knowledge meant he missed a golden opportunity to photograph Frank Bruno, so he soon realised that 'preparation is key' and he now plans every detail of the event he is attending - from who will be there, and when, to where the sun will be at any given time of the day, and therefore the best locations.   Over 40 years, he has photographed over 25 different sports - from amateur cricket to top class athletics at the Commonwealth Games and the Olympics.  His favourite is gymnastics.   He was the recipient of both a Silver Medal and a Special Merit in the Gynmastics section of the World Photography Awards 2021.   Across all sports, he has witnessed both triumph and disaster and captured both the same.  As his skill developed, he has pushed himself to take images with a difference and has won many accolades for his efforts.  Our members enjoyed a very entertaining evening, whilst picking up many tips and tricks.